Zoe’s Reflections

This was what I produced during the lecture where we had to make something to express our experience of understanding creativity through being creative. If we were to attempt to verbally answer that question, I would feel woefully unable to take on such a task. However, when the legos were placed before us, we were able to engage with play and flow to ultimately use creativity as a vehicle to communicate our creative process. Somehow it came so naturally to pick up a specific piece and to place it in a certain way that precisely communicated my individual experience with understanding creativity.
Then, when we were tasked with combining our individual experience with our creat-IF-ity challenge partners, it was interesting to see how Li and I not only (literally) balanced our experiences, but integrated them with one another. My piece individually did not balance on its own. It had to be held in my hands for it to not break apart. Yet, when combined with essential parts from Li’s product, like the wheels and the lego person, suddenly it could balance, move without restriction, and it had a clear direction embodied by the character that sat atop the entire product. This final product represents the balanced collaboration and vision shared by Li and I.

Zoe’s Selected Diary Entries
Diary Entry #1

Diary Entry #9

Teng’s Diary Entries